

Dedicated to bringing together research on indirect translation


A critical annotated bibliography of publications on theoretical, methodological and terminological issues raised by the specific nature of research on indirect translation is available here.

It covers nineteen bibliographic items (book chapters and journal articles) extracted from the extensive listing of publications of indirect translation available here.

Each bibliographic entry is accompanied by a critical annotation that summarizes the publication’s central theme, foregrounds its most noteworthy theoretical, methodological and/or terminological contributions and, where relevant, relates the publication to previous or subsequent research in the field.

To be included in the selective annotated bibliography the bibliographic items needed to: 

- address the topic of ITr as a primary issue (rather than secondary, as has usually been the case in Translation Studies)

- be published research (this means that unpublished MA and PhD dissertations, unpublished conference books of abstracts, unpublished conference presentations, as well as prescriptive or anecdotal writings or professional discussions were not included)

- devote at least 50% of their content (in terms of sections within a journal article or book chapter) to theoretical, methodological and/or terminological issues in the research into indirect translation.